Which Bella Would Make The Pitch Perfect Paintball Player?
With Pitch Perfect 2 currently storming UK cinemas, the Barden Bellas can be forgiven for displaying all kinds of attitude. But how would they match up if they switched an a cappella show for a day at a local Britannia Paintball Centre? We’ve handpicked the best Bellas to determine who has the greatest paintballing[...]
Why You Should Take Your Mother In Law Paintballing!
We all know Mother-in-laws can be tough cookies to crack. Whether you’re officially a part of the family or you’re soon to be — perhaps as part of a hen do — here are some reasons why you should take her paintballing at your local Britannia Paintball Centre. Paintballing releases any built up[...]
What Type Of Paintball Player Are You?
Whether it’s Sunday League football or the local pub quiz, everyone knows the best teams are made up of a variety of different characters. The same rule applies to paintball, but which one are you? The ThinkerNormally armed with an iPhone and a beard, The Thinker comes armed with[...]
Britannia Easter Sunday Eggless, Egg Hunt
This Easter Sunday you and your family should visit your local Britannia Paintball Centre for an awesome paintballing ‘egg sperience’. Actually, in all the ‘egg citement’ I forgot to hide the Easter Eggs this year... I thought I would just use the word Egg and other Egg related words in some really bad puns instead. The[...]
Top 10 Super Hero Paintball Powers
Here at Britannia paintball centres, we make sure everyone has a super day. This got me thinking; what would the best super power be for a game of paintballing? 10: InvisibilityThis sounds like the obvious super power to have. You will not be seen, so you can get the hit on everyone[...]
It’s A Fact That You Shouldn’t Be Fooled
This April fool’s day instead of being pranked. You should come paintballing with Britannia. There are a lot of interesting facts that will make you want to choose to spend some time at a Britannia Paintball Centre. Will it be the movie quality game zones? Or the fact that we attract A-list celebrities? Or will[...]
Get Laughing With Britannia Paintball For Comic Relief
We have had many comedians at Britannia Paintball over the years, each with their own unique sense of humour and bizarre paintball tactics! Below are a few funny and cheesy stories to get you in the mood for Red Nose day. A mate of mine went to the paintball academy. He spent[...]
Top 10 Britannia Game Zones
Have you ever wanted to feel like you were in the movies? At Britannia Paintball, you can experience some of the finest game zones, inspired by Hollywood and popular video games. Below is a top 10 list of our personal favourites: 10. Black Hawk Down: A crashed helicopter in the middle of the woods. The[...]