Whether it’s Sunday League football or the local pub quiz, everyone knows the best teams are made up of a variety of different characters. The same rule applies to paintball, but which one are you?

The Thinker
Normally armed with an iPhone and a beard, The Thinker comes armed with all sorts of paintballing stats, facts and strategies. While The Thinker may be an intelligent creature, his physical attributes leave a lot to be desired.
Most likely to: Compile a spreadsheet for every single paintball game zone.
The Rambo
What it says on the tin. The Rambo is a physical specimen like you’ve never seen before, or at least he thinks he is. The Rambo isn’t interested in tactics or strategies, he just wants to get out there and shoot everyone and everything with whatever he can get his hands on. You can guarantee The Rambo will purchase every available upgrade from the basecamp shop.
Most likely to: Return to camp sweating and covered in paint.

The Skipper
A cross between The Thinker and The Rambo, The Skipper is just an all-round good guy. He’s a leader of men, a team player, the sort of best friend you’d actually leave alone with your girlfriend. Trust is an integral part of paintballing, so you want this guy on your team.
Most likely to: Win the game and credit his teammates.
The Chicken
Whether it’s a tombstone in The Haunted Graveyard or a barrel in Chemical Alley, you can be sure The Chicken will be hiding behind one of them. Decked out in full headgear and optional protective gloves, The Chicken will take every available precaution to stay as snug as possible and avoid human contact.
Most likely to: Be shot in the back as he cowers behind a teammate.

The Crybaby
You know the one. That guy who moans at the bar if he hasn’t been served within 11 seconds. The one who berates the referee for disallowing his team a goal despite it being 35 yards offside. The Crybaby thinks the whole world is against him, and will most probably be the first in everyone’s firing line – perhaps even his own team’s!
Most likely to: Moan/cry/go home.
Our verdict?
So what kind of paintball player are you?
Come on down to your local Britannia paintball centre and find out! Book a game now by calling us 24 hours a day on 0844 477 5098.